Eyelid ( Upper, Lower, Double Eyelid, Eyebag) Surgery in Dubai
Eyelid Surgery – A surgery of precision
The first thing that gets noticed in a person face is the eyes, though it is not necessary that everyone is blessed with beautiful pair of eyes that easily fascinate one and all. If you too are also not satisfied with the look of your eyes then do not worry as Dubai Rhinoplasty, the leading plastic and cosmetic surgery clinic of Dubai offers perfect solution to your problem through eyelid surgery. Eyelid surgery, medically known as blepharoplasty, is a highly popular form of plastic surgery that brings dramatic difference aesthetically and functionally in the eyes. The eyelid surgery performed by the reputed cosmetic surgeon of our clinic will enhance the appearance of your eyes by eradicating visible signs of aging on the upper eyelid and lower eyelid and by removing excess skin and fine lines on the eyelids.
Good Candidate for Eyebags Surgery
Eyelid surgery can be performed on both men and women, who are physically healthy, emotionally stable and have realistic expectation from the surgery. Usually the surgery is recommended for patients above the age of 35 years but the surgery can also be performed on younger patients if they have droopy or baggy eyelid. However, people suffering from few medical conditions like diabetes, thyroid, dry eyes, hypertension or cardiac disease are not considered ideal for the surgery. People with following conditions are found ideal for the surgery:
- Excess skin and fine line on upper eyelids
- Excess fat deposits on upper eyelids
- Bags under the eyes
- Drooping lower eyelids
- No life threatening ailment
- No serious eye condition.
- Non-smoker
- Realistic expectations with eyelid surgery

Types of Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is basically of three types, upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery and double eyelid surgery. Excess fat and skin in the upper eyelid create puffiness, heavy looking eyelid, aged look and sometimes even affect vision. Thus, upper eyelid surgery is performed by our proficient and experienced cosmetic surgeon to remove the excess skin and fat and also to improve vision. Under eye surgery is performed to reduce wrinkles, remove excess skin and to improve the lower eyelid shape by removing excess fat and skin. The Eyebag surgery is often recommended to older patients who wish to go for facial rejuvenation treatment, as the skin around the eyes droop with age and lead to a tired and prematurely aged appearance. Correcting these problems through eyelid surgery will have similar effect of surgical facelift but with comparatively less invasiveness.
Surgery Procedure
The proficient and renowned cosmetic surgeons of our clinic hold great expertise in handling the eyelid surgery with great precision and perfection. The incisions are made following the natural lines of the eyelids, creases of the upper lids and below the lashes in the lower lids. Through these incisions the surgeon starts to separate the skin from underlying fatty tissue and muscle and then either remove or redistribute the excess fat and trim the sagging skin. All the incisions are then closed with fine sutures that are removed after the three-four days.
Benefits of Blepharoplasty
People who are conscious about their look and appearance and wish to have young and rejuvenating look decide to go for eyelid surgery. The post-surgery benefits are the prime reasons that encourage people to go for the eyelid surgery. Some of the benefits of the surgery include:
- Reduction of eye-bags
- Correcting droopy and puffy eyelids
- Reduced wrinkles
- Brighter and clearer eyes
- Firmer and tighter eyelids resulting in youthful rejuvenated appearance
Post-Surgery Precautions
After the eyelid surgery the patients are advised with some instructions and precautions, which they have to keep in mind for the success of their eyelid surgery. The eyelids after the surgery may feel sore and tight and patients might feel discomfort after the anesthesia effects. However, to ease out the patients the pain medication is prescribed by the surgeon to provide relief to them. The patients are also advised to keep their head elevated with the help of pillow for several days and are suggested to use cold compresses to reduce bruising and swelling that usually reduces in 1-2 week time. The surgeon even recommends eye drops to ease problems like dry eye, itchiness, temporary change in eyesight and sensitivity to light. The patient is closely monitored by the surgeon in the first week and the stitches are usually removed after four days of surgery. After this the swelling gradually subsides and the patient starts feeling better.